Our philosophy
My wife, myself and my 3 kids reside in beautiful Colorado. A couple of years ago I had one of those
A-HA moments. After spending way too much money on a ski rack that I use 6 times a year that makes a ton of road noise, reduces my gas mileage and is a pain to get on and off of my vehicle I decided to design something about it.
Two years later we were chosen as a finalist with REI and are about to launch. All of this happened and of course came COVID. Because we were ready to soft launch mid ski season, the dumb virus shut down ski resorts and we came to a grinding halt. Now we prep for the fall! Recently we were chosen as a finalist in the Outdoor Accelerator with MooseJaw! Ask us about locking mechanisms if you feel the need!

Read the study by Scientific American proving roof racks impact fuel consumption.